Things are happening. I am starting a blog. I think it's going to be about my literary obscurity and things I do to try to publish my writing.

I have written blogs before. I had a blog in San Francisco with my brother, Nick. It was called Albondigas! which means meatballs in Spanish. We wrote about music in the Mission District of San Francisco where we both lived. It was fun. I went to a lot of shows and took shitty video with my digital camera. The sound sucked. I liked the way Albondigas! felt. It was low-fi and crappy, but we tried hard to promote bands we liked. My brother has a semi-secret music blog called
monosyllabic. He has written reviews for places like Pitchfork and he did some stuff for some other places and NPR. He has the largest collection of CDs of anyone I know.
Before that I wrote a tour blog for my friends Logan and Merric. Logan and Merric are in a band called
the Dodos. Logan is my cousin and I used to live with Merric. We traveld across the country and back. This was before they signed to a good record label called
French Kiss and had people promting their music. The trip was pretty fun even though Merric and Logan played to a lot of empty rooms. I sold their T-shirts and wrote about things.