New Poems

My girlfriend found these in an antique shop. They are cue cards for young readers. I think they were meant to be slipped into some kind of machine that only allowed the viewer to see one line at a time. But when you read them from top to bottom, they make rad poems.

Was not understood...

was not understood
will pay quarterly
descend the stairs
beneath the ocean
in good condition
tall and slender
was their mascot
lost his empire
a boating party
will not endure
big spruce tree
reveal his name
a fine musician
did not inquire
took his advice
down the aisle
use a pronoun
a new handbag
do not disturb

Studied their culture...

studied their culture
under new management
down the banister
right hand section
all by themselves
nevertheless he came
was a lieutenant
two proper nouns
glaze the ham
wealth and honor
watched the surf
gave the plurals
doubt his story
knew all nouns
a fine workman
too much slang
alter his suit
on a pinnacle
not a quitter
he will refer.


Jillian Brall said...

I like this very much.
It sounds like a poem I wrote based on blips I heard while flipping around on the tv one day...

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